Thursday, October 16, 2008


'Why does my tomato look so perfect, and how much fuel was required for it to travel here from Mexico? What about the truck my tomato hitched a ride on? How much energy was required to build that truck, and wait a minute, how much energy was required to make that fuel? I know a guy down the street who grows tomatoes. Why doesn't the grocery store around the corner sell his tomatoes? What about the road my tomato travelled on. How many workers are required per year to maintain that road? And how much fuel do they use to get to the highway that they're paid to maintain? Didn't I buy this tomato like a month ago? Why does it still look so perfect? And why did that girl at the checkout counter assume I needed a plastic bag for my tomato? She even gave me a puzzled look when I told her I didn't need one! Did I mention the guy down the street grows tomatoes?'
Colhido desta rádio.

Hoje é o dia mundial dedicado à alimentação, às bioenergias e às alterações climáticas. Hoje leiam sobre este movimento. A partir de hoje Omnívoros e Herbívoros, tornem-se também Locávoros.

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